
Ravenna (Italy)
Year 2010
Concorso di idee per Riqualificazione urbana dei Lidi Ravennati. Realizzazione di percorsi
pedo-ciclabili e risistemazione aree di sosta per la riqualificazione della fascia retrostante
gli stabilimenti balneari – (Landscape and Urban Design competition for the coastline of
Ravenna Municipality)-
First Prize
With: Camilla Fasoli, Valeria Di Vicino, Elisa Rivera, Fiorella Zambrano Medina

Topics: Landscape, Net city, Continuity vs selection, space reading, landmarks, connection
between natural and built environment; Waterfront.
The project enhances a complex territory through a simple idea that interacts with the different landscape systems that characterize the coastal area of Ravenna. The coastline is designed as a sequence of intersecting scenarios that host different ways of perception and “living” the space. This line is seen not only as an element to be unified and continuous, but as something belonging to a much wider territory and that can highlight its peculiar characteristics.The opportunity to rethink a coherent system of equipment, passages, and street furniture along the coastal strip also wants to be a way to perceive and appreciate the depth of landscape situations.